B3Founders Club
Exclusive Membership for Financial Freedom
B3 is offering an exclusive Membership in B3 Founders Club to a select group of 1000 new B3 Consultants.
The First 1000 Consultants that reach Tier 1000, will be given the title of B3 Founders.
B3 Consultants can earn income 10 different ways:
- Retail Customer Web Sale Bonus
- Retail Customer Direct Sale Profit
- Retail Customer Achiever Bonus
- Professional Customer Sale Bonus
- International Customer Sale Bonus
- New Consultant First Order Bonus
- New Consultant First Order Team Bonus
- Network Commissions
- Network Expansion Commissions
- Rank Luxury Bonus
Plus B3 Founders Club Members additional income exclusive to the Founders Club :
- Eligible for share in Founders Club Pool 2% of monthly Company Sales
Plus B3 Founders Club Members receive additional benefits exclusive to the Founders Club :
- Early Placement in the B3 Tree
- Lifetime Title of Founders Club Member
- Special Recognition at Corporate Events
- Founders Club Members VIP Reception at National Events